Welcome to ExCEN

ExCEN, the EXperimental Economics CENter, was founded in 2006 to support research, teaching, and policy applications involving controlled experiments with human decision makers. Professor James C. Cox is the founding director of the Center.

The Center’s central objective is to promote the development and application of economics and related academic disciplines as empirical social science. Ongoing research in the Center involves development of economic theory supported by data.

Teaching and research support facilities developed and maintained by the Center include the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies experimental economics laboratory and EconPort, an economics digital library featured in the Netwatch section of Science.   In 2016, EconPort had 6,115 registered users and 12,707 average page views per day.

The Experimental Lab is available to GSU and external researchers. For more information on terms of use, cost, and scheduling, please click here.


   ExCEN director,  James C. Cox gave an interview about the history of the Economic Science Lab at the University of Arizona and early development of the Economic Science Association.

   ExCEN director,  James C. Cox presented a seminar on "How Can Doctors Make More Informed Patient Discharge Decisions?" at the Institute of Social and Economic Research at the University of Alaska.

   ExCEN faculty are collaborating with Emory surgeons to create and test a clinical decision support system for improving hospital discharge decision making.

   ExCEN director,  James C. Cox gave a Plenary Lecture titled  "Homo Reciprocans: Theory and Experiment " at the SABE/IAREP/ICABEEP 2013 Conference.

   ExCEN hosted the conference on Experiments for Export? Behavioral Experiments in Latin America co-sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Latin American Studies Association, April 19 - 23, 2012.

   ExCEN and CEAR organized FUR XV: International Conference on Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory held at Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia USA, June 30 - July 3, 2012

   ExCEN director, James C. Cox gave a Plenary Lecture at the 2011 North American Meeting of the Economic Science Association.

   ExCEN director, James C. Cox was 2010-2011 President of the Southern Economic Association. The 84th Annual Meeting of SEA was held in Atlanta.

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