ExCEN Working Papers Series

Welcome to Experimental Economics Center Working Paper Series. We are pleased to provide an electronic database to disseminate works-in-progress reflecting the broad range of research activities of Affiliated faculty members. These papers are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.


2025-01Moral Reference Points: Theory and Experimental Evidence
James C. Cox, John A. List, Michael Price, Vjollca Sadiraj and Anya Samek
(Revision of 2016-02)


2024-01Power Asymmetry in Repeated Play of Provision and Appropriation Games
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and James M. Walker


2023-01Tax Framing in Matching and Rebate Subsidy
Seiyoun Kim, Vjollca Sadiraj and Yongsheng Xu
2023-02Morally Monotonic Choice in Public Good Games
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Susan Xu Tang
(Revision of 2022-01)


2022-01Morally Monotonic Choice in Public Good Games
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Susan Xu Tang
(Revised as 2023-02)
2022-02Peer-to-peer solar and social rewards: Evidence from a field experiment
Stefano Carattini, Kenneth Gillingham, Xiangyu Meng and Erez Yoeli
2022-03Festival Games: Inebriated and Sober Altruists
Giuseppe Attanasi, James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
2022-04Power Asymmetry in Repeated Play of Provision and Appropriation Games
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and James M. Walker


2020-01Competition Among Charities: Field Experimental Evidence from a State Income Tax Credit for Charitable Giving
Chandrayee Chatterjee, James C. Cox, Michael K. Price and Florian Rundhammer
2020-02Designed to Fail: Effects of the Default Option and Information Complexity on Student Loan Repayment
James C. Cox, Daniel Kreisman and Susan Dynarski
(Revision of 2018-04)
2020-03Fit as a Fiddle or Sick as a Dog: Effects of Patient Discharge Preferences on Uptake of Clinical Decision Support
James C. Cox, Ira L. Leeds, Vjollca Sadiraj, Kurt E. Schnier and John F. Sweeney
(Revision of 2017-03)
2020-04Experiments on the Fly
Aleksandr Alekseev, James Alm, Vjollca Sadiraj and David L. Sjoquist
2020-05Morally Monotonic Choice in Public Good Games
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Susan Xu Tang


2019-01Audit State Dependent Taxpayer Compliance: Theory and Evidence from Colombia
James Alm, James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revision of 2018-06)
2019-02Moral Costs and Rational Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence
James C. Cox, John A. List, Michael Price, Vjollca Sadiraj and Anya Samek
(Revision of 2016-02)
(Revised as 2025-01)


James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
2018-02The St. Petersburg Paradox Despite Risk-seeking Preferences: An Experimental Study
James C. Cox, Eike B. Kroll, Marcel Lichters, Vjollca Sadiraj and Bodo Vogt
2018-03Cultural Identities and Resolution of Social Dilemmas
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Urmimala Sen
(Revision of 2017-08)
2018-04Designed to Fail: Effects of the Default Option and Information Complexity on Student Loan Repayment
James C. Cox, Daniel Kreisman and Susan Dynarski
(Revised as 2020-02)
2018-05Moral Costs and Rational Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence
James C. Cox, John A. List, Michael Price, Vjollca Sadiraj and Anya Samek
(Revision of 2016-02)
(Revised as 2019-02)
(Revised as 2025-01)
2018-06Audit State Dependent Taxpayer Compliance: Theory and Evidence from Colombia
James Alm, James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revised as 2019-01)
2018-07Do People Bundle Sequences of Choices? An Experimental Investigation
George Ainslie, Glenn W. Harrison, Morten I. Lau, Don Ross, Alexander Schuhr and J. Todd Swarthout
2018-08Eye-Tracking and Economic Theories of Choice Under Risk
Glenn W. Harrison and J. Todd Swarthout
2018-09Smoking and Intertemporal Risk Attitudes
Glenn W. Harrison, Andre Hofmeyr, Harold Kincaid, Don Ross and J. Todd Swarthout


2017-01An Experimental Game of Loss Sharing
Wulf Gaertner, Lars Schwettmann and Yongsheng Xu
2017-02Tax Incidence: Do Institutions Matter? An Experimental Study
James C. Cox, Mark Rider and Astha Sen
(Revision of 2012-17)
2017-03Fit as a Fiddle or Sick as a Dog: Effects of Subjective Patient Reports on Uptake of Clinical Decision Support
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Kurt E. Schnier and John F. Sweeney
(Revised as 2020-03)
2017-04Do The Effects of Social Nudges Persist? Theory and Evidence from 38 Natural Field Experiments
Alec Brandon, Paul J. Ferraro, John A. List, Robert D. Metcalfe, Michael K. Price and Florian Rundhammer
2017-05Harnessing Policy Complementarities to Conserve Energy: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
John A. List, Robert D. Metcalfe, Michael K. Price and Florian Rundhammer
2017-06Asset Integration and Attitudes to Risk: Theory and Evidence
Steffen Andersen, James C. Cox, Glenn W. Harrison, Morten I. Lau, E. Elisabet Rutstrom and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revision of 2012-12)
2017-07Moral Costs and Rational Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence
James C. Cox, John A. List, Michael Price, Vjollca Sadiraj and Anya Samek
(Revision of 2016-02)
(Revised as 2018-05)
(Revised as 2019-02)
(Revised as 2025-01)
2017-08Cultural Identities and Resolution of Social Dilemmas
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Urmimala Sen
(Revised as 2018-03)


2016-01Status Quo Effects in Fairness Games: Reciprocal Responses to Acts of Commission vs. Acts of Omission
James C. Cox, Maros Servatka and Radovan Vadovic
(Revision of 2012-03)
2016-02Moral Costs and Rational Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence
James C. Cox, John A. List, Michael Price, Vjollca Sadiraj and Anya Samek
(Revised as 2017-07)
(Revised as 2018-05)
(Revised as 2019-02)
(Revised as 2025-01)
2016-03What is Trustworthiness and What Drives It?
James C. Cox, Rudolf Kerschbamer and Daniel Neururer
(Revision of 2014-06)
2016-04Cumulative Prospect Theory in the Laboratory: A Reconsideration
Glenn W. Harrison and J. Todd Swarthout
2016-05The Behavioralist as Policy Designer: The Need to Test Multiple Treatments to Meet Multiple Targets
Robert Hahn, Robert D. Metcalfe, David Novgorodsky and Michael K. Price
2016-06Asset Integration and Attitudes to Risk: Theory and Evidence
Steffen Andersen, James C. Cox, Glenn W. Harrison, Morten Lau, E. Elisabet Rutstrom and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revision of 2012-12)
(Revised as 2017-06)


2015-01Incentivizing Cost-Effective Reductions in Hospital Readmission Rates
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Kurt E. Schnier and John F. Sweeney
2015-02Higher Quality and Lower Cost from Improving Hospital Discharge Decision Making
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Kurt E. Schnier and John F. Sweeney
(Revision of 2013-09)
2015-03Trust and Trustworthiness of Immigrants and Native-Born Americans
James C. Cox and Wafa Hakim Orman
2015-04Reduction of Compound Lotteries with Objective Probabilities: Theory and Evidence
Glenn W. Harrison, Jimmy Martínez-Correa and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revision of 2012-04)
2015-05Eliciting Subjective Probability Distributions with Binary Lotteries
Glenn W. Harrison, Jimmy Martínez-Correa, J. Todd Swarthout and Eric R. Ulm
(Revision of 2012-16)
2015-06Subjective Belief Distributions and the Characterization of Economic Literacy
Amalia Di Girolamo, Glenn W. Harrison, Morten I. Lau and J. Todd Swarthout


2014-01Paradoxes and Mechanisms for Choice under Risk
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Ulrich Schmidt
(Revision of 2011-07)
2014-02Asymmetrically Dominated Choice Problems, the Isolation Hypothesis and Random Incentive Mechanisms
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Ulrich Schmidt
(Revision of 2012-10)
2014-03Advice in the Marketplace: A Laboratory Study
Jonathan E. Alevy and Michael K. Price
2014-04On Replication and Perturbation of the McKelvey and Palfrey Centipede Game Experiment
James C. Cox and Duncan James
2014-05Political Institutions and Corruption:An Experimental Examination of the "Right to Recall"
Sarah Mansour, Vjollca Sadiraj and Sally Wallace
2014-06What is Trustworthiness and What Drives It?
James C. Cox, Rudolf Kerschbamer and Daniel Neururer
(Revised as 2016-03)
2014-07Higher Quality and Lower Cost from Improving Hospital Discharge Decision Making
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Kurt E. Schnier and John F. Sweeney
(Revision of 2013-09)
(Revised as 2015-02)


2013-01Auctioning the right to play ultimatum games and the impact on equilibrium selection
Jason Shachat and J. Todd Swarthout
2013-02Tax Incidence: Do Institutions Matter? An Experimental Study
James C. Cox, Mark Rider and Astha Sen
(Revision of 2012-17)
(Revised as 2017-02)
2013-03The Impact of CMS CoP on Kidney Transplant Waiting Times
K.E. Schnier, C. McIntyre, V. Sadiraj, J.C. Cox, T.C. Pearson, A.D. Kirk and N.A. Turgeon
2013-04Characterizing Financial and Statistical Literacy
Amalia Di Girolamo, Glenn W. Harrison, Morten I. Lau and J. Todd Swarthout
2013-05Scoring Rules for Subjective Probability Distributions
Glenn W. Harrison, Jimmy Martínez-Correa, J. Todd Swarthout and Eric R. Ulm
(Revision of 2012-18)
2013-06Status Quo Effects in Fairness Games: Reciprocal Responses to Acts of Commission vs. Acts of Omission
James C. Cox, Maroš Servátka and Radovan Vadovic
(Revision of 2012-03)
(Revised as 2016-01)
2013-07Let Me Vote! An experimental study of vote rotation in committees
R. Bosman, P. Maier, V. Sadiraj and F. van Winden
(Revision of 2006-18)
2013-08Paradoxes and Mechanisms for Choice under Risk
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Ulrich Schmidt
(Revision of 2011-07)
(Revised as 2014-01)
2013-09Higher Quality and Lower Cost from Improving Hospital Discharge Decision Making
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Kurt E. Schnier and John F. Sweeney
(Revised as 2014-07)
(Revised as 2015-02)


2012-01The Independence Axiom and the Bipolar Behaviorist
Glenn W. Harrison and J. Todd Swarthout
2012-02Inducing Risk Neutral Preferences with Binary Lotteries: A Reconsideration
Glenn W. Harrison, Jimmy Martínez-Correa and J. Todd Swarthout
2012-03Status Quo Effects in Fairness Games: Reciprocal Responses to Acts of Commission vs. Acts of Omission
James C. Cox, Maroš Servátka and Radovan Vadovic
(Revised as 2013-06)
(Revised as 2016-01)
2012-04Reduction of Compound Lotteries with Objective Probabilities: Theory and Evidence
Glenn W. Harrison, Jimmy Martínez-Correa and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revised as 2015-04)
2012-05Avoiding the Curves: Direct Elicitation of Time Preferences
Susan K. Laury, Melayne Morgan McInnes, J. Todd Swarthout and Erica Von Nessen
(Revision of 2011-01)
2012-06Private Goods, Public Goods and Common Pools with Homo Reciprocans
James C. Cox
2012-07Probabilistic Risk Attitudes and Local Risk Aversion: a Paradox
Vjollca Sadiraj
2012-08Paradoxes and Mechanisms for Choice under Risk
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Ulrich Schmidt
(Revision of 2011-07)
(Revised as 2013-08)
(Revised as 2014-01)
2012-09Is There A Plausible Theory for Risky Decisions? A Dual Calibration Critique
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Bodo Vogt and Utteeyo Dasgupta
(Revision of 2007-05)
2012-10Asymmetrically Dominated Choice Problems and Random Incentive Mechanisms
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Ulrich Schmidt
(Revised as 2014-02)
2012-11A hidden Markov model for the detection of pure and mixed strategy play in games
Jason Shachat, J. Todd Swarthout and Lijia Wei
2012-12Asset Integration and Attitudes to Risk: Theory and Evidence
Steffen Andersen, James C. Cox, Glenn W. Harrison, Morten Lau, E. Elisabet Rutström and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revised as 2016-06)
(Revised as 2017-06)
2012-13Provision versus Appropriation in Symmetric and Asymmetric Social Dilemmas
James C. Cox, Elinor Ostrom, Vjollca Sadiraj and James M. Walker
(Revision of 2011-06)
2012-14Do I Care if You Know I Betrayed You?
James C. Cox and Danyang Li
2012-15Organ Donation via Changes in the Default Choice or Allocation Rule
Zackary Hawley, Danyang Li and Kurt Schnier
2012-16Eliciting Subjective Probabilities with Binary Lotteries
Glenn W. Harrison, Jimmy Martínez-Correa and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revised as 2015-05)
2012-17Tax Incidence: Do Institutions Matter? An Experimental Study
James C. Cox, Mark Rider and Astha Sen
(Revised as 2013-02)
(Revised as 2017-02)
2012-18Scoring Rules for Subjective Probability Distributions
Glenn W. Harrison, Jimmy Martínez-Correa, J. Todd Swarthout and Eric R. Ulm
(Revised as 2013-05)


2011-01Avoiding the Curves: Direct Elicitation of Time Preferences
Susan K. Laury, Melayne Morgan McInnes, J. Todd Swarthout and Erica Von Nessen
(Revised as 2012-05)
2011-02Cooperating to Resist Coercion: An Experimental Study
Lucy F. Ackert, Ann B. Gillette and Mark Rider
2011-03Are Benevolent Dictators Altruistic in Groups? A Within-Subject Design
Lucy F. Ackert, Ann B. Gillette, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Mark Rider
(Revision of 2009-04)
2011-04Man Versus Nash: An experiment on the self-enforcing nature of mixed strategy equilibrium
Jason Shachat, J. Todd Swarthout and Lijia Wei
(Revision of 2008-07)
2011-05Do Landlords Discriminate in the Rental Housing Market? Evidence from an Internet Field Experiment in U.S. Cities
Andrew Hanson and Zackary Hawley
2011-06Bosses and Kings: Asymmetric Power in Paired Common Pool and Public Good Games
James C. Cox, Elinor Ostrom and James M. Walker
(Revised as 2012-13)
2011-07Paradoxes and Mechanisms for Choice under Risk
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Ulrich Schmidt
(Revised as 2012-08)
(Revised as 2013-08)
(Revised as 2014-01)
2011-08Experimental Methods and the Welfare Evaluation of Policy Lotteries
Glenn W. Harrison
2011-09Can Intertemporal Choice Experiments Elicit Time Preferences for Consumption? Yes
Glenn W. Harrison and J. Todd Swarthout
2011-10Risk Aversion as Attitude towards Probabilities: A Paradox
James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
2011-11Clocks and Trees: Isomorphic Dutch Auctions and Centipede Games
James C. Cox and Duncan James
(Revision of 2010-01)


2010-01Arms or Legs: Isomorphic Dutch Auctions and Centipede Games
James C. Cox and Duncan James
(Revised as 2011-11)
2010-02An Experimental Test of the Pigovian Hypothesis
Jason Delaney
2010-03Direct Tests of Individual Preferences for Efficiency and Equity
James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revision of 2006-13)
2010-04On the Coefficient of Variation as a Criterion for Decision under Risk
James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revision of 2009-06)
2010-05Identification of Voters with Interest Groups Improves the Electoral Chances of the Challenger
Vjollca Sadiraj, Jan Tuinstra and Frans van Winden
2010-06Is There a Plausible Theory for Decision under Risk? A Dual Calibration Critique
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Bodo Vogt and Utteeyo Dasgupta
(Revision of 2007-05)
(Revised as 2012-09)
2010-07Trust with Private and Common Property: Effects of Stronger Property Right Entitlements
James C. Cox and Daniel T. Hall
2010-08Estimating Subjective Probabilities
Steffen Andersen, John Fountain, Glenn W. Harrison and E. Elisabet Rutström
2010-09Latent Process Heterogeneity in Discounting Behavior
Maribeth Coller, Glenn W. Harrison and E. Elisabet Rutström
2010-10Theory, Experimental Design and Econometrics Are Complementary (And So Are Lab and Field Experiments)
Glenn W. Harrison, Morten Lau and E. Elisabet Rutström
2010-11Characterizing Risk Attitudes of Industrial Managers
Glenn W. Harrison, Sebastian Moritz and Richard Pibernik
2010-12The Methodologies of Neuroeconomics
Glenn Harrison and Don Ross
2010-13The Methodological Promise of Experimental Economics
Glenn W. Harrison
2010-14Inferring Beliefs as Subjectively Uncertain Probabilities
Steffen Andersen, John Fountain, Glenn W. Harrison, Arne Risa Hole and E. Elisabet Rutström


2009-01Lost in the Mail: A Field Experiment on Crime
Marco Castillo, Ragan Petrie, Maximo Torero and Angelino Viceisza
2009-02Some Issues of Methods, Theories, and Experimental Designs
James C. Cox
2009-03Saliency of Outside Options in the Lost Wallet Game
James C. Cox, Maros Servatka and Radovan Vadovic
2009-04Risk Tolerance, Self-Interest, and Social Preferences
Lucy F. Ackert, Ann B. Gillette, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Mark Rider
(Revised as 2011-03)
2009-05On the Empirical Relevance of St.Petersburg Lotteries
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Bodo Vogt
(Revision of 2008-05)
2009-06On the Coefficient of Variation as a Measure of Risk Sensitivity
James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revised as 2010-04)
2009-07Procurement Auctions for Differentiated Goods
Jason Shachat and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revision of 2006-15)
2009-08Play to Learn? An Experiment
Martin Dufwenberg and J. Todd Swarthout


2008-01Risky Decisions in the Large and in the Small: Theory and Experiment
James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
2008-02Competition Between Auctions
Ernan Haruvy, Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc, Octavian Carare, James C. Cox, Eric A. Greenleaf, Wolfgang Jank, Sandy Jap, Young-Hoon Park and Michael H. Rothkopf
2008-03Insurance Purchase for Low-Probability Losses
Susan K. Laury, Melayne Morgan McInnes and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revised as 2008-13)
2008-04Is There a Plausible Theory for Decision under Risk?
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Bodo Vogt and Utteeyo Dasgupta
(Revision of 2007-05)
(Revised as 2010-06)
(Revised as 2012-09)
2008-05On the Empirical Relevance of St.Petersburg Lotteries
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Bodo Vogt
(Revised as 2009-05)
2008-06Learning about Learning in Games through Experimental Control of Strategic Interdependence
Jason Shachat and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revision of 2006-17)
2008-07How do people play against Nash opponents in games which have a mixed strategy equilibrium?
Jason Shachat and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revised as 2011-04)
2008-08Trust and Reciprocity: Implications of Game Triads and Social Contexts
James C. Cox
(Revision of 2007-08)
2008-09Your Place in Space: Classroom Experiment on Spatial Location Theory
Margo Bergman, G. Dirk Mateer, Michael Reksulak, Jonathan C. Rork, Rick K. Wilson and David Zirkle
2008-10The Today and Tomorrow of Kids
Marco Castillo, Paul Ferraro, Jeff Jordan and Ragan Petrie
2008-11Face Value
Catherine C. Eckel and Ragan Petrie
2008-12Rationality and the Nature of the Market
Marco Castillo, Ragan Petrie and Maximo Torero
2008-13Insurance Decisions for Low-Probability Losses
Susan K. Laury, Melayne Morgan McInnes and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revision of 2008-03)


2007-01Social Barriers to Cooperation: Experiments on the Extent and Nature of Discrimination in Peru
Marco Castillo, Ragan Petrie and Maximo Torero
2007-02Discrimination in the Lab: Experiments Exploring the Impact of Performance and Appearance on Sorting and Cooperation
Marco Castillo and Ragan Petrie
(Revision of 2006-20)
2007-03Inconsistent Choices in Lottery Experiments: Evidence from Rwanda
Sarah Jacobson and Ragan Petrie
2007-04Board structures around the world: An experimental investigation
Ann B. Gillette, Thomas H. Noe and Michael J. Rebello
2007-05Is There A Plausible Theory for Risky Decisions?
James C. Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj, Bodo Vogt and Utteeyo Dasgupta
(Revised as 2008-04)
(Revised as 2010-06)
(Revised as 2012-09)
2007-06Revealed Altruism
James C. Cox, Daniel Friedman and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revision of 2006-09)
2007-07Discrete Implementation of the Groves-Ledyard Mechanism
J. Todd Swarthout and Mark Walker
2007-08Trust and Reciprocity: Implications of Game Triads and Social Contexts
James C. Cox
(Revised as 2008-08)
2007-09An experimental inquiry into the effect of yardstick competition on corruption
Angelino Viceisza
2007-10Discrimination in the Warplace: Evidence from a Civil War in Peru
Marco Castillo and Ragan Petrie
2007-11Trust in Private and Common Property Experiments
James C. Cox, Elinor Ostrom, James M. Walker, Jamie Castillo, Eric Coleman, Robert Holahan, Michael Schoon and Brian Steed
2007-12On The Preferences of Principals and Agents
Marco Castillo, Ragan Petrie and Maximo Torero


2006-01Assigning Intentions when Actions are Unobservable: the Impact of Trembling in the Trust Game
James C. Cox and Cary A. Deck
2006-02Barking Up the Right Tree: Are Small Groups Rational Agents?
James C. Cox and Stephen C. Hayne
2006-03Small- and Large-Stakes Risk Aversion: Implications of Concavity Calibration for Decision Theory
James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
2006-04Coordination of Purchasing and Bidding Activities Across Markets
Daniel D. Zeng, James C. Cox and Moshe Dror
2006-05A Tractable Model of Reciprocity and Fairness
James C. Cox, Daniel Friedman and Steven Gjerstad
2006-06EconPort: Creating and Maintaining a Knowledge Commons
James C. Cox and J. Todd Swarthout
2006-07When are Women More Generous than Men?
James C. Cox and Cary A. Deck
2006-08Estimating the Value of Water Use Permits: A hedonic approach applied to farmland in the southeastern US
Ragan A. Petrie and Laura O. Taylor
2006-09Revealed Altruism
James C. Cox, Daniel Friedman and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revised as 2007-06)
2006-10Implications of Trust, Fear, and Reciprocity for Modeling Economic Behavior
James C. Cox, Klarita Sadiraj and Vjollca Vjollca
2006-11Trust, Fear, Reciprocity, and Altruism: Theory and Experiment
James C. Cox
2006-12Using Meta Analysis for Benefits Transfer: Theory and Practice
John C. Bergstrom and Laura O. Taylor
2006-13Direct Tests of Models of Social Preferences and a New Model
James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
(Revised as 2010-03)
2006-14Altruism Spillovers: Are Behaviors in Context-Free Experiments Predictive of Altruism Toward a Naturally Occurring Public Good?
Susan K. Laury and Laura O. Taylor
2006-15Procurement Auctions for Differentiated Goods
Jason Shachat and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revised as 2009-07)
2006-16Voting cycles when a dominant point exists
Vjollca Sadiraj, Jan Tuinstra and Frans van Winden
2006-17Learning about Learning in Games through Experimental Control of Strategic Interdependence
Jason Shachat and J. Todd Swarthout
(Revised as 2008-06)
2006-18Let Me Vote! An experimental study of vote rotation in committees
R. Bosman, P. Maier, V. Sadiraj and F. van Winden
(Revised as 2013-07)
2006-19A computational electoral competition model with social clustering and endogenous interest groups as information brokers
Vjollca Sadiraj, Jan Tuinstra and Frans van Winden
2006-20Discrimination in the Lab: Experiments Exploring the Impact of Performance and Appearance on Sorting and Cooperation
Marco Castillo and Ragan Petrie
(Revised as 2007-02)
2006-21Revealing Preferences for Fairness in Ultimatum Bargaining
James Andreoni, Marco Castillo and Ragan Petrie
2006-22Beauty, Gender and Stereotypes: Evidence from Laboratory Experiments
James Andreoni and Ragan Petrie
2006-23Further Reflections on Prospect Theory
Susan K. Laury and Charles A. Holt
2006-24Pay One or Pay All: Random Selection of One Choice for Payment
Susan K. Laury
2006-25Explanation and Misrepresentation in the Laboratory
Lucy F. Ackert, Bryan K. Church and Ping Zhang
2006-26On Modeling Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods
James C. Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
2006-27Social Distance and Reciprocity
Lucy F. Ackert, Bryan K. Church and Shawn Davis
2006-28When the Shoe is on the Other Foot: Experimental Evidence on Valuation Disparities
Lucy F. Ackert, Bryan K. Church and Gerald P. Dwyer